December 28, 2013

Season's Greetings and Best Wishes for the New Year.

Hi there,
It is little early that an end of the year comes on every year, right? I got many friends' support this year also. Thank you for your cooperation. 108 videos were contributed to this site till today. And Stormtroopers gathered from 17 nations (72 members)!
If you have not joined us yet, please master a storm roll and join us. Let's link all over the world!


November 30, 2013

Thank you for your cooperation!

Recently, some new members enlistment to Stormtroopers continued. You're very welcome! And thank you for your cooperation! Just so you know, the Stormtroopers is a multinational force. I would like to link with many friends with a storm roll.

Someday, I wanna hold the meeting of Stormtroopers in Japan or your country. If a storm roll is performed by all the members, is it published at Guinness Book of Records? hahaha!

Please get a storm roll, if you have not joined with us yet. I'll welcome you!
May the STORM be with you, always.

October 6, 2013

Step 3

I uploaded a new article "Practice Step3".

This time, I explained the way of self practice. This is very effective in your storm roll acquisition. Please try it! ;-)

October 1, 2013

I found a new star.

I found a new star in Italy. She does a storm roll splendidly by Qaanaaq and a storm paddle. It is enough as enlistment conditions to Stormtroopers. So she became our member tonight.
Congrats Ele! ;-)

September 21, 2013

A new article

I uploaded a new article, about Mr. Shiojima's paddle. He is a master for all members of Qajaq JPN. He has been making an effort for the spread of Greenland paddles from ten years or more before in Japan. I can't explain about history of the Greenland style kayaking in Japan without him.
Please check it out!

September 18, 2013

To be free

Anyway we have to save the children, right?
No more tears. Please check the website out.

September 16, 2013

Be happy.

The powerful typhoon traveled through Japan today. There was much damage, such as collapse of houses and flood of rivers. 
As you know, Japan is a country where the rate of incidence of an earthquake is very high. And every year, some typhoons visit. From ancient times, Japanese people have always stood face to face against such natural disasters. And we are faced also with an artificial disaster now. It is radioactive contamination. Maybe, it might have already given the fatal damage to us.

Isn't there any way which survives us? 
I still believe "human beings' possibilities." 

We have the wisdom and courage which are overcome any difficult. 

September 9, 2013

A new design.

I prepared a new design sticker for you. If you want to get it, please offer a storm roll’s video to me.This sticker is big size. It is 170 mm x 70 mm.
And I will bring these to Delmarva. You have a chance to obtain these there.
See you soon in the DPR! ;-)

September 3, 2013


I’ll do the presentation related with QajaqJPN in Delmarva Paddler's Retreat. So I am making the document now. You will be able to enjoy it. I elaborated the plan for that. However, I have a problem. It is "pronunciation." For Japanese, it is a difficult problem. For "reading and writing" can be achieved, if we study it a little. However, we have achievement obstructed by the difference in the composition of a phoneme which each native language has as for "pronunciation." Ummmm…what should I do?

August 27, 2013


I love Nattō very much. It is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis and  is popular especially as a breakfast food. Nattō may be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture.In Japan nattō is most popular in the eastern regions, including Kantō, Tōhoku, and Hokkaido. Usually, I mix the soy sauce containing some stock there as a seasoning, an egg yolk, a dried bonito, and mustard.
In summer when appetite declines, I break a pickled plum finely and often mix it.
Intense practice of rolls damages muscles. Good protein is required to reinforce it quickly. Nattō is low calorie content and proteinic content is very high. First of all, the soybean is called "the beef in the farm." Since it has essential amino acids uncompoundable in a body, it is equivalent to animal protein. Although you may be unable to get this daily, I will recommend you "Nattō." Please try it someday!

August 18, 2013

Can I meet you in Delmarva?

Yes, I'll participate in the Delmarva Paddler's Retreat. How about you? Can I meet you there?
Although I am not so good at English, am looking forward to communication with you very much. Since Japan is an island country, the opportunity to contact foreigners is restricted by geographical environment. Also in various information, it is the same. We get to know most information from overseas via media or the net. However, I would like to know first-hand information as much as possible. Therefore, I will use such a chance effectively.

Of course, I'll bring STORM ON's stickers! Please get your STORM in Delmarva.
See you soon! ;-)

August 11, 2013


I lectured on how to paddling to local children yesterday with QJ's members. This is held every year at this time. I am always surprised by children's possibility. Their uneasiness is always canceled in "the first 30 minutes." Then, the sea turns into their paradise. They learn the Greenland style from the introduction time as looking. Yes, this is our style.
I hope "Stormtrooper" appears in great numbers out of them. ;-)

August 7, 2013


I had interesting video introduced from Mr. Ole Tang living in Struer (Denmark). Not only kayak there, there was a valid image as a resource of hunting culture. Come to think of it, the storm roll which I love was derived from them. I respect them who completed such great culture from the bottom of the heart.
BTW, since they had the same plays as Japanese people, I was surprised. For example, they are "Kendama" and "cat's cradle." 

August 6, 2013


The starting point of my design in computer graphics may be "Nebuta Festival." It sticks Japanese paper on the frame intricately assembled with wire, and forms the solid. This methodology is just the foundation of CG design. Since this is a festival of my hometown, I have seen this up close from an early age.
Although the following is the movie last year, you could fully enjoy it.

July 31, 2013

Qaanaaq 512SS

"512SS" has just uploaded to STORM ON.
I like the Qaanaaq512ss. That is because nothing is specializing. In short, it means almighty. The spec may be infinitely discovered by a user's skill. It is a merit of a neutral model, right?
If you can have an opportunity, I want you to try this. Of course, I will support it, when you visit Japan.

July 28, 2013

Try again.

Since the battery was run out, photography of the "low brace" of last weekend was stopped on the way. Of course, I fully charged this time. The video already finishes edit and is exhibited in YouTube. Don't miss it! ;-)


July 21, 2013

The battery is dead!

Futtsu-misaki(Cape) in which I live is extended from the east side of Tokyo Bay to the west. Many forts at the time of a World War remain here. It is an old pillbox that is in the inner part of the center of the image. Since nobody can enter by car, this circumference is very quiet. I mainly practice a roll here. Today, I came here for take a video  of "a low brace." Of course, it is for my website. However, the tragedy attacked me suddenly. The battery of a camera has died. No way!!!! (TOT)
Renewed STORM ON will be released soon! 

今日の目的は「ローブレイス」の撮影。もちろんSTORM ON用。

June 19, 2013

She got her SOF at last!

Although it was still in the state of a framework, she got her SOF. She will appear in the website renewed as a lecturer of a storm roll soon. Don’t miss it please! ;-)
Oops, Should I do skinning?


June 12, 2013

I'm working now!

Hi there,
It’s been ages, hasn’t it?
I was very busy with preparation and execution of "SUPER GUTS." The event was a huge success, thanks to you!
And now, I am doing the renewal work of STORM ON’s website. It has contents substantial rather than before, and will surely delight you. Today's my work is texturing to SOF. It gives the wooden life to inorganic polygons.
Please wait for a while for releasing the renewal website. Thanks!

しかし、しかし、決してサボっていたわけではなく、コツコツとリニューアルを進めております。今日の作業はSOFへのテクスチャリング。数種の樹のテクスチャを用意して、各パーツに貼っていきます。モデリングのために組み上げたポリゴンを、この作業では逆に展開します。つまり、複雑なポリゴンで「形状」を作ってしまうとテクスチャリングで苦労するわけです。Simple is the bestとはこのことです。

May 27, 2013


I'm preparing renewal. It will be released around this summer. Please expect the STORM ON website which may evolve, furthermore. 


April 18, 2013

Another version

I created the version which is not covered with a hood. I corrected her expression a little.
Actually, I am in trouble very much now. It is about her kayak. Which kayak should I give her? Those choices are "Qaanaaq Transam-SS", "Qaanaaq Mosquito", and pure SOF. I would like to consider this difficult problem carefully. However, it is already in mid-April now. Ummmmm…


それにしても困った。彼女のためにQaanaaq Transam-SSを作ろうと思ったが、やはり女性にはちょい大きいかもしれない。うーむ…Mosquitoか。分割タイプもリリース間近かだし。いっそのことスキンカヤックにするという選択肢もあり。しばらく悩みたいところだが、すでに4月半ば(汗)。

April 17, 2013

Complete the first stage of the renewal.

I completed "Tuilik Version.” ummm....Shoulder straps are unexpectedly troublesome. It sinks into Tuilik in conjunction with some motions. Shouldn't it be made as another part?
Practice is insufficient for me still more.


April 14, 2013


I am making her Tuilik. The form is completed mostly. Then, adjustment of textures is required. I will not use "Syflex" which is physics simulation for her. Although it reproduces a realistic motion, it requires computation time longer than usual.
ummm...Does she dislike the hood? 


April 3, 2013


I gave her some expression. It's the moment a life dwells in her. There is 1 set of joint in man's face. It's a jaw. In short, "expression" is made from the combination of the muscles of the face and a jaw joint. By parameterizing elasticity of each muscles, expression is controllable as a "numerical value." Probably, she will already be able to communicates any feeling to you by expressions.


April 2, 2013

Skinning was completed.

The renewal of my website in April is likely to be very overdue. It is a mere excuse although I was busy with preparation of "SUPER GUTS."

She changed into the state where each joint can be moved. Then, I will give her some expression.
Oops, I had not decided her name yet.

4月のリニューアルに大きく遅れてしまった。ちょうどSUPER GUTSがかぶってしまったせいもあるが、言い訳はするまい(TOT)


March 31, 2013

Her tongue is the best!

The structure relevant to her mouth is completion now. I should not be concerned with her tongue any more. It may influence "family peace." ;-p


March 28, 2013

Change my occupation.

After all, I did her hairstyle like the upper picture. I will not be afflicted by this at complicated animation of her hair.


So I’ll change my employment from a "beautician" to a "dentist." Since a tooth differs in form, respectively, modeling work is serious. Although it is effective to make only "visible teeth" from outside, she is going to open and laugh at an her mouth wide open.


In fact, the structure of the point of contact of a lip and a tooth is complicated. A fixed distance that a lip does not sink into a tooth needs to be kept.
I will be deprived of my mind by her lip during work. Hahaha!


March 24, 2013

Textures for her hair

I was going to use hair shader for the her "hairstyle." 
However, it requires very much the time which a rendering takes. Considering the future work, it is not realistic well.Therefore, I gave up use of hair shader and changed into the method of sticking a texture on a polygon. 
Although it is very classic, it is good in working efficiency. 


In accordance with a hairstyle, some polygons are prepared first. 


Four kinds of textures are used roughly. They influence a setup of "base color", a "bump", "transparency", and "speculer." 


Textures are stuck on polygons and tuned finely. It is not so realistic compared with hair shader. However, computation time is shortened considerably. 
The upper picture is processing of the "top" and "bun." I have to process both sides and the nape further. 


March 20, 2013

A girl's hair is her life

Her appearance was completed almost.
I will start the "hairstyle" of the most interesting part from now on. Yes, it's the climax! There is the idiom "A girl's hair is her life" in Japan. Once upon a time, this is because the Japanese woman needed to extend long hair in order to tie a "Nihongami (Japanese coiffure)". Therefore, I will make her hair hard. With this being said, actually I worry about the design of her hairstyle. ummmm...;-(
Do you have any pointers for her life?

いま見えている髪(生え際)はテクスチャに描いて処理したものなので実体は無い。さてさて、どんな髪型にするかな? 悩む悩む。

March 18, 2013


She who is my new character needed shoes. Yes, it's for "fashion."
I made shoes for her with big pleasure!


Her shoes fit her bare feet. I have arranged the polygons so that the form of her foot may be in sight. 


I made the detail moderately. Incidentally, these shoes referred to the Kokatat's. 


Some conspicuous lines are made from polygons. 


When rough form is completed, a texture will be drawn and it will stick on this model.


It is checked by a partial rendering.


A "speculer map" and a "bamp map" are further drawn, in addition the appearance of the model is adjusted. Then she got shoes!


March 12, 2013


I keenly realize the difficulty of a "female character." Even if it assumes a simple design, in order to give the aura unique to a woman, "fine structure" is required for it. If nails are rough form like a male (or me!), they make her atmosphere spoilt. I checked those form carefully and "reflected" some in them. 


Eyelashes were controlled by the program called "Shader." It can solve problems, such as "length", "curl", a "color", and "quantity", with a parameter. 
ummmm....Her goal is still far. 


March 7, 2013

To the next

STORM ON will celebrate the first anniversary of a release next month. I’m making a new character for STORM ON for the second year. It’s the shift to "the Asian woman" from "the middle-aged tough guy." Although I have worked as a CG designer for a long time, in fact, I’m making the "woman" for the first time.
Well, I have to make her so that "my type" may not be disclosed to you. It's very difficult and cruel for me!
SUPER GUTS is publicized. This is a very precious chance. Let's join us!  

来年度のSTORM ONに向けて新キャラを作っています。

SUPER GUTS 広報宣伝中です!

February 6, 2013


I work in a game company and was making "fog" as a designer ten years ago. Fog was indispensable to the stage of the game which my post was making then. Yes, it’s for horror production. I was devoted to physics simulation every day. It’s the Brownian motion of particles. My soul was governed by fog from the morning to the evening.
Thanks to the experience, I can visualize parameters automatically, if fog is seen in the real world. But it’s just nonsense. And it does not stand for nothing.
Just so you know, some CG images are arranged easily at STORM ON. Although they do not have a deep meaning, I am making them for atmosphere.
I looked at the very beautiful night sky last evening. There, the countless star was appearing. Then, I thought "my following works may be a night sky and a bonfire."
Wait…..A bornfire? 
A bonfire also consists of particles and is governed by Brownian motion. Should I offer my soul to physics simulation again? No way!!! ;-(
By such circumstances, I was re-employed in the "mist maker." Somebody, please release me from particles!


STORM ONにはご存知の通り、ところどころに無造作にCGが置かれています。特に意味はないのですが、なんとなく雰囲気作りにいいかなぁという思いつきレベルでこさえています。

February 3, 2013


This is the stern piece of a folding kayak. The silhouette is just the Greenland kayak. Nikola living in Serbia made this as a prototype. He is advancing preparation which promotes a kayak manufacturer in his country. The name is "NARVAL KAYAK." "NARVAL KAYAK" means a unicorn whale (Narwhal) in Serbian. I will  deal with his kayak in "STORM ON" and will inform the details and cost later. Don't miss it!

帰国後、メーカーを立ち上げる準備をしているそうです。屋号は「NARVAL KAYAK」。NARVALはセルビア語でイッカククジラを意味します。
STORM ONではこのフォールディングGを取り扱う予定です。スペックや価格については追ってご案内しますので、お楽しみに。

January 31, 2013


If you or I fall indolently for a moment, you will be instantly returned to a "starting point." It is even "practice" or even "website."
STORM ON advances to second year soon. I will continue efforts in order not to betray your aid. Thanks!

STORM ONはもうじき二年目に突入します。世界各国からいただいた閲覧・応援を裏切ることなく精進したいと思います。